Talk to Me 123 Phone Companions


Welcome to Talk to Me 123!


If you’re looking for a phone companion and intelligent conversationalist, you’ve come to the right place. provides the same great service you’ve come to expect from LDW Group. If you feel you’ve arrived at this site in error, please email

Not sure how you landed here?  Was it happenstance or kismet? To answer that question, we invite you to read more about the ladies of Talk To Me 123 and take a self-guided tour of the site. Then you can tell us if was it a happy happenstance or crazy kismet! We know you’ll realize what we already know; every guy needs a Talk To Me 123 Phone Companion. Read on to find out why! 




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Hear My VoiceNotify Me When Rachel Is Available

Well hello there! I'm Rachel. Engaging conversationalist, and a confessional who doesn't judge!

Nice to meet you!

Well, that's not exactly accurate. You're being introduced to me, but I haven't met you yet.

I hope that changes soon!

Let me tell you a bit more about what you'll find if you decide to make that happen:

A Midwestern millennial, former non-religious homeschool student, lover of music, audiobooks, podcasts, sustainability, cooking, slow fashion and vintage style.

And other people's secrets! *giggle* That's where the confessional part comes in. But more on that in a moment!

I love good coffee, though I mostly drink green tea nowadays, because it gives me that morning boost without the jitters.

I'm an indifferent gardener, but hope to improve.

I write creatively, and hope to improve at that, as well. All writers do, I guess! At least, I'm told, the good ones!

I'm a contemporary woman of course, but I have quite a streak of luddite in Me. It manifests itself in several ways, the most relevant being that I miss the time before texting became the default means of communication between people.

What ever happened to voice-to-voice conversation?

Do you relate?

Well, you're in luck!

Unfortunately there's a stereotype out there that a beautiful woman can't also be smart or interesting, but without sounding arrogant, I'd like to think I'm both!

If you like the idea of getting comfortable with your favorite beverage and engaging in the lost art of a good chat, the trading of ideas, interests, goals, daydreams, or just the random thoughts that you've always wished you could muse about with another person (and maybe a little gossip), consider giving me a call!

Now back to the confessional aspect: I'm excellent at keeping secrets, and have served as a repository for many as well! Do you have something you've been longing to talk about, but you can't or are not yet ready to share it with those in your three-dimensional life? Consider me as a sounding board and confidant!

But most importantly, I know I'm not alone in thinking that true connection between people has lapsed a little bit in this modern age. Over my time as a conversationalist, I've learned that for a surprising number of people, someone to talk to, someone to connect with, is coveted!

One caveat: I subscribe to the same parameters that most people observe at the Thanksgiving table with regard to subject matter to avoid, namely politics and religion.

But other than that, I think I've introduced myself adequately.

Now it's your turn!

Oh! And be sure to listen to my voice sample above if you want to know what it will sound like from my end when we chop it up together!




What Kind Of Guy Needs A Phone Companion


I bet you are a guy with a lot of pent-up issues. Those daily frustrations, challenges, and doubts would be eased if you spoke to someone about it.  You don’t think you need formal therapy; it’s expensive! Perhaps, you are seeking advice, a sounding board, or just to vent. But, who do you talk with?

Your buddies are great but they are not emotionally mature, or open-minded enough to hear you out and not make you regret sharing.  What if your secrets make you vulnerable or subject you to ridicule?  Others closest to you look to you for your strength. How can you admit your weaknesses? Can show them the other side of you?

This is where Talk to Me 123 friendly phone companions solve all of your challenges! We are here for you!


Our Talk To Me 123 Phone Companions


Our engaging ladies are here because they meet our very high standards for a phone friend. Intelligent, dynamic, compassionate, and everything you would look for in a best friend! Our ladies encompass all walks of life with a multitude of interests between them!

Would you like to kick back and talk with a laid-back lady with a wicked sense of humor? Perhaps you are high energy and you want someone to match your enthusiasm and push you to your goals.  Do you have a long drive and want company? Call hands free and your drive will be ten times better with lively conversation and companionship. 

Our ladies have helped people focus on their education, and have a friends with similar hobbies, and interests. Looking to run your next marathon? Find  your next accountability partner, I know there’s a lady on staff who will fit that bill! But you don’t have to have a personal goal in mind to have a fun chat with our ladies, there’s so much more you can do!


Phone Companions are Phone Confidants


Since our phone companions only know what you tell them, our system ensures your discretion. Many find it’s easier to share your secrets knowing that your identity is protected. As mentioned our ladies are here because they are compassionate and open-minded! You won’t be rejected or made to feel less, because of your secrets.

Some guys call to get advice from a woman friend about social dynamics and interactions to improve their social skills! Tell me what guy is going to admit to his friends or those closest to them that he’s not the “strong silent type”  but is tongue-tied and doesn’t know what to say! So in this case I guess we can say your phone confidant can help you with confidence!


Easy To Connect With Our Phone Companions


We want to make it easy for you to choose and connect with one of our phone companions, that’s why you have a couple of choices! Each lady has a profile and a voice sample. Like what you read? Does she seem to match your energy and interests? You can give her a call when she’s available. Can’t choose? Our dispatchers will be more than happy to give you recommendations based on your interest.  You will also see the option to email a lady you would like to speak with, find out more about her, ask questions, and even schedule an appointment!


We know you will enjoy your time with your new phone friend!



Talk to Me 123 Phone Companions