Talk to Me 123 Phone Companions


Welcome to Talk to Me 123!

If you’re looking for a phone companion and intelligent conversationalist, you’ve come to the right place. provides the same great service you’ve come to expect from LDW Group. If you feel you’ve arrived at this site in error, please email



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Having me as a phone companion will improve your life. Not because I will do everything for you and coddle you; we don't do that here. I do offer a listening ear, gentle guidance, and sound advice for those willing to learn and grow. And since women are natural teachers and nurturers, why not take advantage of having a phone companion

Why would someone want a phone companion? T People are lonely, and they have no one to talk to. Therapy is expensive. And while I cannot give you medical or psychological advice, I can offer you comfort and compassion when the world seems heavier than usual. And I do believe some people in this world deserve grace, and it takes nothing off your back to be kind.

Let's discuss what a phone friend does. A phone friend is not your wife,the keyword here is friend. And while I would hope people make healthier relationship choices and actually like their partners, I'm not going to pretend I don't know why you're calling me. You want someone to talk to, have fun with, with good conversation skills, and those are hard to come by. A female phone companion nurtures your feminine side, the part of you that needs to just relax and "be."

I like to talk if I have something to say, and I enjoy a healthy exchange of ideas, feedback, and dialogue as much as I enjoy when you get chatty and you want to talk about yourself and just know that someone is there listening to you.

You would be surprised how many people are deprived of touch, affection, softness, and kindness.While I cannot physically touch you, I can touch your mind. I can also teach you to enjoy the pleasure of a woman's company if you've never had such.

We can talk about anything you want. I remember being on the phone talking to my friends for hours. Laughing, cracking jokes, venting, lying on our beds, and staring at the ceiling. Sure, now you have all these apps and gadgets, but I do miss the simpler things, like just chatting about anything and nothing at all. Feeling the presence on the other end of the line. I'm a gamer, too, by the way. So, imagine my delight when I found out there were online games you can play with your friends. We can do that too. All you have to do is call me, and introduce yourself to your new bestie. Me.


Welcome to Talk to Me 123!

If you’re looking for a phone companion and intelligent conversationalist, you’ve come to the right place. provides the same great service you’ve come to expect from LDW Group. If you feel you’ve arrived at this site in error, please email




Talk to Me 123 Phone Companions