Hi! I’m a phone friend at TalkToMe123 and I often hear from people curious or don’t understand the value of a phone friend, let alone how your phone friend can be your best friend. Keeping an open mind, consider these points.
Many of you have experienced distant relationships, so you know firsthand.
For others: If you weren’t aware long-distance relationships are happening more and more, with technology instantly connecting us around the globe easier and faster than ever before. Let’s take a look at what we might look for in a best friend. Then I’m confident that you too will understand how much fun it is when your phone friend is your best friend!
We know lending a sympathetic ear helps you feel lighter, and unburdened. Sometimes all we need is a good listener and other times, sound advice. Having common interests and sharing new interests, isn’t that what a best friend is? Of course, being non-judgemental, and having your back. Isn’t these all traites we seek in a best friend? Someone you can share your deepest secrets with, someone to be your safe place to be yourself.
We all put on various masks depending on the social situation, right? But we all crave to just pull down the mask. Be vulnerable, or kick back share jokes and anecdotes, and not worry about what someone may think of you! There’s understanding, compassion, and sound guidance from your phone best friend, to help you through the challenges.
When you look at these elements of a best friend, then it’s easy to see how a phone friend is easily a best friend.
Your best friend is here for you, with their life experiences which may benefit you. But it’s not all for the positive and rah-rah-rah. I’m innately curious about the human condition, and you! I know none of us are perfect and that is what makes each of us special!
I’ve found that many can’t be vulnerable with those closest to them. Admit fears, mistakes, or regrets. So what do you do? Many of us process heady emotions and events by connecting, but what if there’s no one you can discuss it with?
I consider myself a professional friend, I love people and I love helping them. I have an innate ability to connect with a wide variety of people, and to be sympathetic to their experiences! For many that’s all you need. I’ve also been that strong shoulder my friends and those closest to me come for advice and comfort. I can be that for you, too.
I’ve seen my phone friends at their ugliest, regretting bad behavior seeking advice, facing their weaknesses, and helping them make things right is an honor and a privilege. For some who couldn’t be vulnerable to those closest to them, I coached them with behaviors to help them feel comfortable opening up and confessing, or sharing with those they need to share with.
You may be wondering if having a phone friend is therapy. Although you are going to feel great or at least in a better space after talking with your phone friend it may seem to be curing what ails you. There shouldn’t be any perception of professional therapy with anything I do, but more in tune with a reasonable, wise friend who never steers you wrong.
I know you feel better after having a chat and getting away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Releasing some of the daily pressures is restorative! How do I know? I’ve had so many tell me!
Comments like: “You always lift my spirits, even on a dreary Monday!”
Now if that’s not the biggest compliment I don’t know what is!
Celebrating your wins in creative ways is always fun. Having dinner over the phone, clinking our wine glasses, and enjoying the evening!
I’ve even gone with someone and chatted while they got a tattoo! He said I eased his pain and took his mind off of what was going on! I bet you have a creative mind, what would we chat about? What would we do?